
不管在台灣還是在阿根廷,很多老師避而不談這件事--「即便是阿根廷探戈,其實還是分成很多的流派」;每每問起,總是聽到這樣的回答:「There is no tango salon or tango nuevo, tango is tango!」(這句是小哈說的)。事實也沒錯,以阿根廷人的角度來看,探戈就是探戈,每個人都有自己的跳法,好像沒必要去分類?...

但我這邊還是要提出最明顯的兩個:「Tango Salon」Vs.「Tango Nuevo」,這在探戈起源地布宜諾新舊的戰爭一直持續著,而不管是不是因為顧及生意或是基於主觀文化特質而不敢講明,簡單的用「探戈就是探戈」一語帶過,我認為只會給很多初學者在學習上過度的自由,因而導致學生進步的緩慢。


就我目前狹少的經歷,倒是覺得很多人「把salon跳的很nuevo!」 -- 這種是我個人比較不欣賞的類型,因為既沒有salon的能量,也沒有nuevo的華麗腳步 -- 老實說,這樣的人還真的不少,其中還不乏自負專業的舞者或老師。

不過呢,「nuevo腳步也可以跳得很salon!」這個很美很有感覺,但做得到的人很少,有興趣的可以參考Gus的 Blog 前面的文章,那種帶一點現代舞風格的探戈。

至於我的風格呢,因為我只跟 "Javier Rodriguez y Andrea Misse" 學,目前我跳得算是「更狹義的tango salon」 -- estilo de villa Urquiza -- 亦即「『Urquiza區』的風格」,大家可以參考 Youtube 裡老師們的影片。話說回來,即便在 Villa Urquiza 裡的聖殿 Sunderland,每個人的跳法還是各有不同,因為探戈畢竟不像標準舞有所謂的標準啊,再者,即便跟同一個老師學習,很多細微的地方還是會因每個人的特質而各有不同 -- 一個新的引申問題又產生了:分得這麼仔細到底有什麼意義?

以下引用自widipedia上對於Salon Tango的定義:

Salon Tango was the most popular style of tango danced up through the Golden Era of the dance (1950's) when milongas (tango parties) were held in large dance venues and full tango orchestras performed. Later, when the Argentine youth started dancing rock & roll and tango's popularity declined, the milongas moved to the smaller confiterias in the center of the city, resulting in the birth of the "milonguero/apilado/Petitero/caquero" style.

Salon Tango is characterized by slow, measured, and smoothly executed moves. It includes all of the basic tango steps and figures plus sacadas, barridas, and voleos. The emphasis is on precision, smoothness, and musicality. The couple embraces closely but the embrace is flexible, opening slightly to make room for various figures and closing again for support and poise. The walk is the most important element, and dancers usually walk 60%-70% of the time during a tango song.

When tango became popular again after the end of the Argentine military dictatorships in 1983, this style was resurrected by dancers from the Golden Era:
-El Turco Jose Brahemcha
-Gerardo Portalea (deceased)
-Luis "Milonguita" Lemos (deceased)
-"Finito" Ramón Rivera (deceased)
-"Lampazo" Jose Vazquez (deceased)
-Virulazo (deceased)
-Miguel Balmaceda (deceased)
-in the milongas at Club Sin Rumbo, Sunderland, and Canning.

One of the most famous examples of the elegant Salon style is the Villa Urquiza' style, named after the northern barrio of Buenos Aires where the clubs Sin Rumbo and Sunderland are located. Dancers who are currently leading the wave of Villa Urquiza Style tango are
-Carlos Perez y Rosa
-Jorge Dispari y La Turca
-Miguel Angel Zotto y Milena Plebs
-Osvaldo Zotto y Lorena Ermocida
-El Chino Perico
-Javier Rodriguez y Andrea Misse
-Alejandro Aquino
-Andres Laza Moreno y Samantha Dispari
-Fabian Peralta y Natacha Poberaj
-the Misse family (Andrea, Sebastian, Gabriel, y Stella).

To this day, tango classes that teach the "Villa Urquiza style" are held in Club Sunderland every Monday and Wednesday nights around 8pm.

引用來源:,算是目前網路上對Tango介紹得最清楚的文章之一,看有沒有誰英文強的幫大家翻成中文啦....哈 :P


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