
日前收到通知,  繼上次得台灣金質獎的BenQ電子書K60之後,這個兄弟機K61也拿到2010 IF China

This BenQ e-reader, which is one of my design baby, gets IF design award china 2010. 

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BenQ nReader - Homer機身正面以簡潔、輕薄為優先考量,採用最適合攜帶和閱讀的直立式紙本造型;白色咬花素面材質的選用,把焦點留給閱讀的內容,提高閱讀樂趣和效率。由兩側延伸到正面的翻頁鍵,就像嵌在書裡的書籤,引導使用者便利的翻頁。翻頁鍵與螢幕之間保留「姆指休息空間」,讓使用者方便握持而不會誤觸觸控螢幕和翻頁鍵。螢幕下方的功能鍵採用低調隱性的微弧的曲面,避免閱讀時視覺干擾的同時,又能兼顧良好的操作手感。下方大圓弧倒角,配合背面仿皮革書封的設計,大大提高握持的好感度。

BenQ nReader-Homer is a 6", 800x600 high resolutions portable digital reader designed for consumers who look for high reading quality; the design comes from real book-reading experiences that enables users to enjoy reading anytime anywhere. BenQ nReader-Homer is the first e-reader in the world that is able to read Chinese, English and Japanese, which has the capacity of 4000 books, the best mobile book-self for individual. With an instinctive manipulation design and the built-in WiFi, the fun of reading can be easily accessed. Simplicity and slimness are emphasized in the design of nReader-Homer, which is easy to be carried, read and used by readers. The bookmark design at two sides lead users to reach a handy turn-over, the 'thumb space' between turn-over key and screen and the leather touch at the back also offer a convenient hold.

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