
This memorial article comes late; or maybe just in time....

Just after 2 weeks, the 2nd time I dreamed about her, she shows up in class. I hug and kiss her with tears and said,
  "how? I thought you are...."
  "no~, just a big kidding to make more famous, we are tango dancers, you know it...", she replied with naughty laugh.
  I said, "Never never never do this again. We all die with heart lah"
Then I waked, with all tears, wish this dream is true. Unfortunely it's not, because she is a great person who will NEVER do one evil thing just to make herself more famous!

She is one of my few tango teachers, also she is one of very few female teacher models for my tango partner. I regret I didn't realize how much I love her until many dreams about her, after her gone.

Yes, she is "one" tango dancer, one of the best, but she is "the only one" for her family. Today tango dancers we can always find a "new one" if we seperate with our partner, no matter how; but how to find the mother, or the daughter, the brother, or the sister if we lost them..... How can I get my arm back if I lost one? I probably always wake up with the pain during the midnight. No any new arm could replace it, no cure pain forever. No! No one else can replace a role in the family; not saying she is the one, and the only one for her daughter, her sisters, her brothers, her family.

Few weeks ago I was in a milonga in HK, DJ played a song I danced with her in 2008. I cry immediately. A friend, who going to BA to see her with all private schedule were done, gave me tissue, and wisky. I drink... In tango I can't never dance with one while thinking of another at the same time. I dance tango with one person while thinking only this person at that moment. That's what my teacher taught me. That's why I can't never join any "memorial milonga". Later I went to restroom clean myself and back to milonga, but no more dance that night.

Today she left us, all of us. We all have big sorrow, huge missing, but no one should say where she is now, only except with God, or with her family. This is a basic respect to the death and the family, what the Missé family wants, not money, not gold, it's just a simple respect with peace.



To help the little one remember Mom, the family has requested that photos and videos be sent to


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