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第一次看到這個東西,是在2007 Taipei Festival 上,見著Javier 和 Andrea 拿著一個小容器,還有點冒煙,金屬的吸管置於其中,兩個人輪流吸著。當時我還以為是什麼毒品呢?!(笑)

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周二夜的canning,第一個 set 雖然就約到阿根廷人,但是感覺是純跳nuevo的女生,跳得也不久,不是很順。(其實不少年輕的阿根廷女生能在salon跟nuevo自由切換,後面會再講到)

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到了EZE機場,出關後左手邊就有一堆出租車公司,最省錢的辦法是搭Bus (Manuel Tienda Leon) 進市區,一站就到了,在該站內可以拿到免費的地圖,然後再轉搭TAXI。(直接租車從機場進市區的話要80peso)

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Demostración de 6 parejas de distintos países:
Sirri Turaclis y María Nofar (Turquía)
Marcelo e Isabel (Chile)
Jon y Judy (USA)
Koji y Naoko Hirai (Japón)
Mila (Rusia) y Korey (USA)
Shakirita Tsai y Gustavo Lin (Taiwán)

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Now I am at EZE airport, leaing and going home.
It's tired but a really nice tango trip in BA.
I feel that I am a tango baby just starting learn tango.

going to boarding, see you guys in taipei. bye!

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Florencia Labiano & Hernan Rodriguez Chaile


在 Sunderland 或 周六的Canning 的傳統舞會,

不過後來當tango的黑暗面不只是聽說, 而是真實的發生在身邊時,

大家還是學學探戈腳步, 當個快樂跳舞的外國人就好啦!


突然開始想改跳Tango nuevo了... @@

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店員: "請問您的熱巧克力大小是?"
Fish : "小杯"

店員: "請問這個大小可以嗎?" (以某個角度拿著杯子)
Fish : "可以" (沒注意看)
結果結帳時發現自己點了喝不完的大杯..... @@

轉機時間是兩個小時,機場的設計很好,很像一個shopping mall,我先到轉機處的Delta fly的Desk重新check in,領完機票,受檢後到候機區,到達gate時離登機時間還有整整一個小時。


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"Nel cuore di una donna ci sono tanti cuori. Ognuno batte a un ritmo diverso.

義大利內衣品牌邀請義大利正姊Monica Bellucci拍了一支探戈短片,內容描述一個女人跑去旅館跟探戈舞者(tanguero)愛人幽會,開門的瞬間,發現她的tanguero正在跟一個女人做愛,而這個女人竟然是...。


INTIMISSIMI官網上有完整影片可以觀賞:view the whole film

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For me it was really a surprise that she can't follow my leading.

今年公司的X'mas party讓大家到Hooter玩耍。一進門就是身著貼身T恤與小短褲的Hot girls. 從七點半她們的呼拉圈表演完後,開始了一連串的與全場互動的活動....在眾人起哄的狀況下,低調是沒用的!平常會喝酒的,當然是被拱上去比喝酒,只是第一名的下場往往是再要娛樂大眾,帶個花圈,跳個康康舞或是鋼管舞之類的。

有個腰力超好的國標舞者,後來被起哄跳舞;我們設計中心的伙伴竟也起哄讓我下場要跟他尬舞。But 性質不同怎麼比啊?...salon探戈本來就不是為表演而生,更沒辦法隨便放個拉丁音樂,說跳就跳的啊...。於是請他們放了剛好帶在身上的音樂,找了個 Hooter girl 下場....。

結果....嗯,娛樂效果應該是不錯,但我畢竟不是搞笑派的, 希望HR沒有錄影囉。一直以來認為探戈的 Leading 應該是任何人都能被帶領的,但是為何帶這些舞蹈細胞都很好的 Hooter girl 做簡單的giro時,竟會出現平常不跳舞的人從未出現過碎步疾行,令我在當下感到非常的困惑? 再帶她走個路,緩合一下她,但當我想要帶她走在圓上時,碎步又出現了?! 嗯,難道我轉得太快,或是只該帶她走路?那麼,會不會就在眾目睽睽之下,大家會認為這個探戈只是無聊的走路?或者,要在一個這樣的場合讓她優雅走路,應該會是更大的難題吧。

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In the last group class, when we were practicing hiro con boleo, Javier called me closer and said: "Fish, don't dance with brain, don't think. Dance with your heart."

In the end of the class, Gus ask: "what is a good tango?"
J/A: "I think it might as telling Fish just before. The problem of Fish and Massima. They were practicing together, very concentrated, steps well, hiro well, beleo well, all well... but they were thinking what to do, thinking how to do, but without heart... and dancing without heart is no good, it's horrible! Tango is not steps, not hiro, nor boleo. You got to dance with heart, dancing with heart -- then it is a good tango."

That night there was a milonga in Barbedo. Javier came to my desk with his wine. I took the chance to clear some doubt...
"I understand my problem. But how could I do if I can't feel another one's emotion? I mean, suppose in a milonga, I want to dance with someone so I invite her, and she agrees, I give her my all in the dance but can't feel her heart even have danced 2 songs. Then I feel I can't dance with heart anymore. How could we do in that situation?"
Javier answered very briefly: " Stop. Don't dance with her."
(I remind once in italy I tried to play steps with Helaine in milonga of Matteo/Patrica's workshop, she said directly:"dacing only yourself?" that time I was shocked... She is really a good teacher in Perugia, Umbria.)

In the moment Gus was dacing passing by, Javier made some noise to attract him.
Caterina(Cathy) joked: "You love him. I know you love him, and I am jealous."
(He didn't understand english very well, so I helped to translated it... of cause in italian...)
Javier replied in English: "Yes, I love him, and he loves me too. He is my son!"
All laughed... haha.

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The Whore and the Whale

Andrés Goldstein & Daniel Tarrab are a composing team based in Buenos Aires. The last time they were featured on Film Music on the Web was for the Chandos release of their excellent score to the Steven Spielberg produced Some Who Lived documentary in the Broken Silence series of documentaries about the Holocaust. La Puta y la Ballena is a film with less of a profile in the English speaking world, with no date yet set for a UK release. The film is however available on a Spanish Columbia Tristar region 2 DVD.

Not yet having seen the film (whose title translates as The Whale and the Whore) what I can say about it is that is a romantic drama – and judging from the trailer and stills in the CD booklet, a fairly erotic one – set in the past and present, in Argentina and in Spain during that country's Civil War. The impression one gets is of something along the lines of The English Patient and Land and Freedom meeting Malèna and Betty Blue.

The album is divided between tangos and symphonic romantic writing, some of which features the Bandoneón playing of Nestor Marconi, giving the whole a distinctly Latin colouration. There is no action or suspense writing, the score concentrating entirely on the romantic, tragic aspects of the story, the approach being highly evocative in a tradition which might encompass modern John Barry, Ennio Morricone and Gabriel Yared (the first and last of the four films I cite above were of course scored by the latter composer). That said, the music proves rather more characterful, melodically memorable and moving than anything either Barry or Yared have given the screen of late.

The piano and string arrangement of the title music has a pure, graceful quality which suggests reflections back over time and a calm, bittersweet resignation which is especially poignant. It is also a good tune – something all too rare in current film scoring. 'En el tren' suggests suspense with its opening bars, but quickly turns to more playful, carefree moods, leading to the carefree ragtime of 'You Made Me Love You' and the lightest part of the album – the lilting 'La IIeganda' and a pair of enchanting tangos. The remainder is essentially a score for string orchestra, woodwind, piano, harp and bandoneón, an instrument capable here of expressing considerable tenderness, nostalgic and regret, as well as more vibrant dance moods.

The main romantic themes are given numerous variations – a solo piano introducing 'Matilde La iniciacion' would not have been out of place in 1940's Hollywood – yet always hold the interest. Elsewhere the orchestra swells and there is no doubt this is old fashioned cinema romance in its finest modern reincarnation, which is to say tender and moving without drowning in phoney sentimentality. Morricone fans in particular may appreciate this fine music making.

If one is to find a fault it might only be with the rather rapid end to the disc, which does bring an hour of most enjoyable music to a somewhat abrupt halt. Perhaps in the film a song plays at this point, but if so it has not been included on the album.




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Argentina 2

Argentina 3

Argentina 4

Argentina 5



Colombian Champions

Colombia 3



Japan 2



Russia 2



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