
My first encounter with Javier and Andrea was in 2007 when they first visited Hong Kong. In the beginning, I was mesmorized by their clean and elegant movements, and by Andrea's fiery adornos and footwork. In my first series of group classes with them, I was in some ways inspired and moved by what they said, which I still remember till today: 



"Kill the man the first moment you embrace him" - Andrea 

"Don't be afraid of feeling" - Javier 

"I'd rather cut off my legs than invite a guy to dance with me" - Andrea



Javier: 「不要害怕去感覺。」

Andrea: 「我寧可砍了我的腳,也不會去邀請男生跳舞。」


These words, though embedded in my head, never made a huge change to me as I was deeply focused on copying Andrea's movements, wanting to dance exactly like her. For the first year, I strayed away from dancing tango, as to dance tango is to dance for your partner, but I was too concentrated on myself, on whether my legs are stretched straight enough, on whether I am standing tall enough, etc. It was not until my first visit to Buenos Aires in 2008 and had the chance to take private lessons with them that I woke up from this disillusion. 




I spent 3 private lessons in total with Andrea entirely on the same topic - EMBRACE. I was frustrated that I couldn't get it. I was mad at myself for not being able to give my partner a comfortable embrace, although this seems the most natural thing for a human being to do. I refused to be part of the generalization that as Asians, we are not used to embracing another person fully. I did all I was told, placing my chest onto the man's right chest as if going upwards and through the man, my right cheek slightly touching the man's right cheek, careful not to exert too much pressure, while my left palm is pressing into and upwards into the man's right shoulder blade. I embraced the man, thinking whether all the muscles of my body are working correctly to execute the best embrace I could give. 




Little did I know that, it was not my technique that was the problem. It was my attitude.




"Imagine that behind the man is the last pair of Comme Il Fauts that you've been dying to have, hanging there on the top shelf. Embrace the man as if trying to grasp those shoes with all your effort." 


想像在這個男生後面,有著最後一雙妳非常想要的Comme il Fauts,就在那架子上。抱一個男生就像妳盡可能的去抓住那雙鞋子。


What I have learnt from those lessons is, to tango is to embrace, and to embrace, you either do it with all your heart, or not do it at all. To dance tango, you have to really want it, take it and grasp it. The embrace will come with the right attitude, not with the right techniques. 




This is the same for everything else. Andrea's movements exude grace and sensuality and power not because she thinks this is the most beautiful way of dancing or that she has studied a set of methods making her move this way. A woman with confidence and sas will naturally move with confidence and sas. I can never be a copy of Andrea as we are completely different in terms of experience and personality. Our dance should reflect who we are. Javier and Andrea encourages and inspires me to find myself and the freedom to express it in my tango, to enjoy dancing and not be absorbed into calculating how many degrees my hips should be moving; to understand not how to make an adorno, but why I am adorning; to be selfish, yet giving; to be submissive, yet active. 




Javier and Andrea allowed me to understand tango in a way that noone has showed me before, and I am grateful for their mentoring and teaching.




Tango is really not just a dance, but an attitude. At the end of the day, all the techniques that I have learnt from them only served to make me a better "bailarin", something that is external and can be seen. But the most important lesson I have learnt from them is how to be a milonguera, something that is internal and can only be felt. 





article by Sandra, 20091228



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