
tangofish 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

我們的S從 Las Chinitas, La Bruja,到現在的Malevos Tango...都一直秉持在香港推行「好的探戈」的路線。 當最近更多人在談論舞池秩序、使用Cabaceo之前,Las Chinitas早就把這些舞會傳統引進香港(雖然有點來得太早...)。事實上,當大家享用周六舞會在 Danztag 的桌椅時,現在已經沒有人記得那是當初 Las Chinitas 說服 Danztag 各半分擔新購桌椅的費用...

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I have learned tango from J for many years. I am very glad that he will keep dancing and teaching. Now he dances with V, with whom I have taken some classes when she was a partner of F. I know she is a very good dancer too!
J is a great tango dancer and master as an individual. Now his new partner is V. Please watch their great dance from now, the dance of J & V, not the tango of J & V with anyone else in between. 

Please give all respect to tango, respect to individual great dancers with individual respect...!

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This memorial article comes late; or maybe just in time....

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